Soundsight has many upcoming films and needs actors to fill roles, we are still in pre-production for the following films, please send your resume and portfolio to
Soundsight has many upcoming films and needs crew, we are still in pre-production for the following films, please send your resume and portfolio to
ROOM 401
NEW CASTING! NEW CREWING! Must be available in Philadelphia. This is a non-paying job. Please email for sides and details. To get involved with production or post-production crew email – Serious Inquires Only.
Casting Call
Room 401
“ROOM 401“ is a thriller short film about two black market drug dealers that find themselves fighting to survive during a very precarious situation in the middle of a deal.
STAN: Male, 20-40, Black, Leader, Type A Personality, Confident
VICTOR: Male, 20-40, Black, Reluctant, Hesitant, Scared
CARLOS: Male, 20-40, Mexican/South American/Spanish, All About Money, Boss Personality
POLICE V.O. – Male, All Ethnicities, All-Ages, Authority Figure, Forceful, Strong

NEW CASTING! NEW CREWING! Must be available in Philadelphia. This is a non-paying job. Please email for sides and details. To get involved with production or post-production crew email – Serious Inquires Only.
Casting Call
“WHERES MY MONEY?” is short thriller about a businessman, Grant, who lives a seemingly normal life until his past catches up with him. His girlfriend, Jules, is kidnapped by a notorious criminal, Tommy, whom Jack owes thousands of dollars. Grant must find a solution to save Jules or must deal with the consequences.
GRANT – Male, 25-35, Black, Scared, Sad, Hyper Vigilant
TOMMY – Male, 35-50 All Ethnicities, Angry, Upset, Enraged, Intelligent, Witty
JULES – Age 25-35, All Ethnicities, Must have emotional range.

NEW CASTING! NEW CREWING! Must be available in Philadelphia. This is a non-paying job. Please email for sides and details. To get involved with production or post-production crew email – Serious Inquires Only.
Casting Call
A familiar story of conflict, rebellion and deceit between the angel, Lucifer, and his father, God. Lucifer convinces the angels they deserve freedom and the same love God shows humans. Out of envy Lucifer leads a revolution against God. This is the depiction of the moments before, during, and after Lucifer was cast out of heaven.
AZAZEL – Male, 20-40, All Ethnicities, Must be athletic with defined muscles, Must be ready to learn fight choreography and have experience using a sword/spear.
Azazel, the fallen angel of war, is one of Lucifer’s most loyal followers. He wants to crush God’s followers, possibly even more so than Lucifer.
All Ethnicities, Must be athletic with defined muscles, Must be ready to learn fight choreography and have experience using a sword/spear.
ABADDON – Male, 20-40, All Ethnicities, Must be athletic with defined muscles, Must be ready to learn fight choreography and have experience using a sword/spear.
Destroyer, Advisor Angel. Sometimes regarded as the destroying angel. Abaddon, meaning “a place of destruction”, “The Destroyer.”
All Ethnicities, Must be athletic with defined muscles, Must be ready to learn fight choreography and have experience using a sword/spear.
AZRAEL – Female, 20-40, All Ethnicities, Must be athletic with defined muscles, Must be ready to learn fight choreography and have experience using a sword/spear.
Azrael is the fallen angel of death. Small supporting role, but one of the most powerful angels in heaven.
All Ethnicities, Must be athletic with defined muscles, Must be ready to learn fight choreography and have experience using a sword/spear.
GOD V.O. – Male, 20-40, All Ethnicities, Omniscient, Fatherlike, Loving, Understanding, Powerful, Strong, Absolute
The role of God will be done in a voiceover. He is distant, short, and disappointed in his angels’ questioning of his actions. God has love for humans, but not for his hard-working angels.
GABRIEL – Male, 20-40, All Ethnicities, Must be athletic with defined muscles, Must be ready to learn fight choreography and have experience using a sword/spear.
One of God’s most powerful Archangels sword to protect humanity. He is strong, powerful, and blindly follows God. Mainly will be fighting with and reacting to Lucifer and his followers.
All Ethnicities, Must be athletic with defined muscles, Must be ready to learn fight choreography and have experience using a sword/spear.
MICHAEL – Male, 20-40, All Ethnicities, Must be athletic with defined muscles, Must be ready to learn fight choreography and have experience using a sword/spear.
One of God’s most well-known and powerful Archangels sworn to protect humanity. He is strong, powerful, and only follows Gods word. Mainly will be fighting with Lucifer and his followers. He is the leader of the ministry angels.
All Ethnicities, Must be athletic with defined muscles, Must be ready to learn fight choreography and have experience using a sword/spear.
URIEL – Male, 20-40. All Ethnicities, Must be athletic and very muscular, Must be ready to learn fight choreography and have experience using a sword/spear.
The gatekeeper of The Garden of Eden. All Ethnicities, Must be large and athletic with defined muscles, Must be ready to learn fight choreography and have experience using a sword/spear.
DARK ANGEL SOLDIERS – All Genders, 20-40, All Ethnicities, Some Dark Angels Require Nudity, Must be athletic, Must be ready to learn fight choreography and have experience using a sword/spear.
These angel soldiers are on Lucifer’s side. They will be fighting against all the angels on God’s side. They are ruthless, dark, and furious about the way they have been treated all this time.
All Ethnicities, Must be athletic with defined muscles, Must be ready to learn fight choreography and have experience using a sword/spear.
LIGHT ANGEL SOLDIERS – All Genders, 20-40, All Ethnicities, Must be athletic, Must be ready to learn fight choreography and have experience using a sword/spear.
The fighting angel soldiers are on God’s side. Strong, muscular, and powerful angels that are prepared to fight to the death for their father.
All Ethnicities, Must be athletic with defined muscles, Must be ready to learn fight choreography and have experience using a sword/spear.
(5) MINISTERING ANGELS – All Genders, 30-70, All Ethnicities, Must be athletic
Group of angels that oversee and fulfill God’s word, they hold regular meetings with God’s top angels.
(2) THRONE ANGELS – All Genders, 20-40, All Ethnicities, Must be athletic
2 Angels that will be guarding God’s throne. Seraphim are the angels that are closest to God. They are the brightest, purest, and highest ranking of all angels. They worship and praise God for all he is and all he does.
All Ethnicities, Must be athletic with defined muscles, Must be ready to learn fight choreography and have experience using a sword/spear.
ADAM – Male, 20-40, All Ethnicities, Requires Nudity, Must be athletic with defined muscles
All Ethnicities, Must be athletic with defined muscles.
EVE/LILITH – Female, 20-40, All Ethnicities, Requires Nudity, Must be athletic with defined muscles
All Ethnicities, Must be athletic with defined muscles.

NEW CASTING! NEW CREWING! Must be available in Philadelphia. This is a non-paying job. Please email for sides and details. To get involved with production or post-production crew email – Serious Inquires Only.
Casting Call
“THE BEAST“ is a sci-fi horror about a group of arrogant men during an apocalyptic event. A classic slasher horror story (with a monster that preys on those who deserve it) meets a sci-fi thriller.
BEAST – Male, 20-50, All Ethnicities, Will Require Makeup and Suit to be worn, May get hot in suit and makeup.
TREY – Male, 20-35, All Ethnicities. Fun Loving Guy, Jokester, Aloof, Requires brief nudity.
MITCHELL – Male, 20-35, All Ethnicities. Rebel, Cool, Calm and Collected, Logical, Requires brief nudity.
DALTON – Male, 20-35, All Ethnicities. Rational, A Planner, Type A Personality, Requires brief nudity.
GIRL 1 (GIA) – Female, 18-35, All Ethnicities, Funny Personality, Must be athletic and fit, Requires brief nudity.
GIRL 2 (NATALIE) – Female, 18-35, All Ethnicities, Goofy Personality, Must be athletic and fit, Requires brief nudity.
GIRL 3 (JENNA) – Female, 18-35, All Ethnicities, Party Animal Personality, Must be athletic and fit, Requires brief nudity.

“LZ” (Landing Zone)
NEW CASTING! NEW CREWING! Must be available in Philadelphia. This is a non-paying job. Please email for sides and details. To get involved with production or post-production crew email – Serious Inquires Only.
Casting Call
“LZ” (Landing Zone)
“LZ” (Landing Zone) is a thriller about an American doctor, Dr. Abuela who is sent to the front line of a war conflict between a falling government and rebels. The doctor is given specific instructions to stay away from the fighting, but the doctor cannot stay away, she must help anyway she can and is captured. The American Government sends in one lone operative to rescue the doctor. Once the alarm is tripped they have only 24 hours to reach the Landing Zone for evacuation.
DR. ABUELA – Female, 25-35. Mexican, South American, Ethnically Ambiguous. A fighter, hopeful for the future, witty, energetic, someone with a big heart who is very compassionate. Must be ready to learn fight choreography and have some experience using prop guns and weapons.
ANNA – Female, 25-35. All Ethnicities. The head nurse that oversees all of Dr. Abuela’s patients and helps out where she is needed. They both are friends from NYC where they are both from.
JOE – Male, 50-65. White. An older fighter who was injured and who needs aid.
(2) NURSES – Female, 20-30. All Ethnicities. Nurses that help with all of the sick and injured patients.
REBEL GENERAL – Male, 50-65. White. A controlling, powerful man, angry and hungry for leverage in the war.
REBEL LIEUTENANT – Male, 35-45. White. A simple man with big ambition. He does what he is told and is scared of the General. Must be ready to learn fight choreography and have experience using prop guns and weapons.
8 REBEL SOLDIERS – Male, 20-40. White. Must be athletic, Must be ready to learn fight choreography and have experience using prop guns and weapons.
NEWS REPORTER – Female, 25-35. Black. A national news reporter, similar to new reporters today. The style, tone and delivery anchors speak like today.
US GENERAL – Male, 60-75. White. Stern, demanding and discreet.
US SENATOR – Male, 60-75. White. Problem solving oriented, rational, logical and reasonable.
COMMAND POST V.O. – Female, 20-40. All Ethnicities. High Energy.

NEW CASTING! NEW CREWING! Must be available in Philadelphia. This is a non-paying job. Please email for sides and details. To get involved with production or post-production crew email – Serious Inquires Only.
Casting Call
“VISITOR” is a horror short film of four college friends taking a road trip who are caught in the middle of a national emergency. They don’t realize as one of their friends is affected by a virus that was brought by an unknown, and an unwelcome visitor.
JACK – Male, Black. 20-30. Wild, Loud and Funny. Will have to have makeup applied.
AMBER – Female, White. 20-30. Ben’s Girlfriend. Amateur Photographer. Practical.
DEVON – Female, Ethnically Ambiguous. 20-30. Jacks Girlfriend. Scared and Sensitive.
BEN – Male, White. 20-30. Type A Personality, Planner, Leader
RADIO ANNOUNCER – Male, White. All Ages.
NEWS REPORTER – Female, White, 25-50.
LEAD INFECTED HUMAN – Male, White. 25-40.Will have to have makeup applied.
(5) INFECTED HUMANS – All Genders, All Ethnicities. All Ages. Will have to have makeup applied.
CASHIER – Male, All Ethnicities. 25-30
CASHIER 2 – Female, All Ethnicities. 18-40
CASHIER 3 – Male, All Ethnicities. 35-45
GROCERY STORE PERSON 1 – Male, White. 35-60.
GROCERY STORE PERSON 2 – Female, White. 20-40.
THUG 1 – Male, Black. 20-35.
THUG 2 -Male, Black. 20-35.

NEW CASTING! NEW CREWING! Must be available in Philadelphia. This is a non-paying job. Please email for sides and details. To get involved with production or post-production crew email – Serious Inquires Only.
Casting Call
TO THE TOP is a thriller about a group of hooded men that chase a person of interest through the woods in attempts to catch him.
RUNNING MAN – Male, Black, 20-35. Must be able to run.
(5) MASKED HOODED MEN – Male, White, 20-55. Must be able to run.

NEW CASTING! NEW CREWING! Must be available in Philadelphia. This is a non-paying job. Please email for sides and details. To get involved with production or post-production crew email – Serious Inquires Only.
Casting Call
“FUTURE FIGHT” is an Action/Sci-Fi short about 2 fighters from another dimension are in a war and a find themselves fighting away from the battle. They make their way into the woods and fall into a time portal warping the warriors into the year 2022 in New York City where they continue the fight.
FIGHTER 1 – Male, Ethnically Ambiguous, 20-35. Must be ready to learn fight choreography and have experience using prop spears and swords.
FIGHTER 2 – Male, Ethnically Ambiguous, 20-35. Must be ready to learn fight choreography using prop spears and swords.

NEW CASTING! NEW CREWING! Must be available in Philadelphia. This is a non-paying job. Please email for sides and details. To get involved with production or post-production crew email – Serious Inquires Only.
Casting Call
“STAKE OUT“ is a thriller short film about two undercover cops that have been tracking down a dangerous criminal. We see them inside their car during a stakeout for weeks as they watch the suspect live his life. They think they are discreet however are in for a big surprise as the neighborhood they are in has eyes everywhere.
UNDERCOVER 1 (TONY) – Male, Black, 30-40. Focused, Mission Oriented
UNDERCOVER 2 (ZACH) – Male, White, 30-40. Street Knowledge and aware of surroundings.
GANG MEMBER 1 (CLARENCE) – Male, Black, 18-35
GANG MEMEBR 2 (RASHAWN) – Male, Black, 18-35
GANG MEMBER 3 (TY) – Male, Black, 18-35

NEW CASTING! NEW CREWING! Must be available in Philadelphia. This is a non-paying job. Please email for sides and details. To get involved with production or post-production crew email – Serious Inquires Only.
Casting Call
“SAVIOR” is a thriller short film about the trafficking epidemic in the world. The story takes place in quiet suburbia where an ex-marine going about his regular routine notices something is off in his neighborhood. Sometimes getting the authorities involved isn’t enough, sometimes street justice is the only way to make things righteous.
DANIEL – Male, All Ethnicities, 20-35, Ex-Marine who loves his walking routine everyday to get some cardio in, enjoying life after his service.
KINGPEN BOSS (NICO) – Male, 30-50, Mexican, South American, Ethnically Ambiguous, Ruthless, No Feelings, Zero Empathy, Only Cares about product and making money.
(4) CARTEL MEMBERS – Male, 18-35, Mexican, South American, Ethnically Ambiguous, Brainless, Henchmen watching the house and premises.
(5) TRAFFICKED GIRLS – Female, 18-35, All Ethnicities, Scared and frightened girls who have been kidnapped.

NEW CASTING! NEW CREWING! Must be available in Philadelphia. This is a non-paying job. Please email for sides and details. To get involved with production or post-production crew email – Serious Inquires Only.
Casting Call
“BREAK OUT” is about an ex-convict who is experiencing life of freedom after 10 years in prison. HIs sister tries to help him get back on track the honest way, however an old friend offers him a way to illegal easy money which may set him back for a long time if he is caught.
ZACK – Male, Black. 25-35. An ex-con who was recently released from prison and is now looking for his way. Hopeful, down on his luck, ambitious, hesitant.
MORGAN – Female, All Ethnicities. 20-35. Zack’s sister who tries to help him out with a job interview and together back on the straight and narrow. Loves her brother very much.
DONALD – Male, All Ethnicities. 45-60. Employer Hiring, Straight laced, Type A Personality, No color in is personality, Grey
AARON – Male, All Ethnicities, 30-40. Another ex-con from the same neighborhood as Zack, persuasive, leading, dominating.
MIKAYLA – Female, All Ethnicities, 25-40. Dynamic Role = Scared, Sad, Unaware / Strong, Powerful, Sure, Resolute
MAC – Male, White. 40-55. Head of the Trafficking operation, dirty guy, Always looks tired, Forceful,
HENCHMAN 1 – Male, White. 40-60. Work for Mac. Mindless, told what to do.
HENCHMAN 2 – Male, White. 35-60. Work for Mac. Mindless, told what to do.
POLICE #1 – Male, Policeman #2
POLICE #2 – Male, Policeman #2

NEW CASTING! NEW CREWING! Must be available in Philadelphia. This is a non-paying job. Please email for sides and details. To get involved with production or post-production crew email – Serious Inquires Only.
Casting Call
“CRASH” is about a man conflicted in life who runs into a major dilemma due to his drinking. HIs actions may have cost his family their safety. He must figure out what to do while he still has time.
RYAN – Male, 25-35. All Ethnicities, A drunk and sad character
PEDESTRIAN – Male, 35-55. All Ethnicities, A walking pedestrian minding their own business.
JESSICA – Female, 25-35. All Ethnicities, Ryans wife who loves him very much and is always checking in on him.

NEW CASTING! NEW CREWING! Must be available in New York. This is a non-paying job. Please email for sides and details. To get involved with production or post-production crew email – Serious Inquires Only.
Casting Call
“HIM”, is about a creature who looks like a man because he uses alien technology to transform his body. This creature is a beast, a being from a different place, a warrior from his land and time, gifted with abilities and powers. He is the last of his kind and must hide his identity as he fights to curb his hunger for carnage.
HIM – Male, All Ethnicities, 20-35. Makeup will be applied.
(4) POLICE OFFICERS – All Genders, All Ethnicities, 25-45. New York Police Outfits Required.
JACOB – Male, All Ethnicities, 10-13. Dynamic emotional range.